High Vibrational Thinking

by Steve Wharton

The 'Sensational' New E-Book that finally provides 'The Missing Link' to Harness the Power of ‘The Law of Attraction'.

At last the information the world has been searching for

High Vibrational Thinking 'The Missing Link'

Since the hit movie ‘The Secret’ there has been a dearth of material put forward, as to what is missing from the excellent information presented.
People all over the world have tried to use the law of attraction with only limited success.

What is it that is missing the world asks?

Well I can tell you what that is.

What is missing is not so much a technique that you need to implement or a special ritual that you have to follow.

What is missing is a perspective.

You need to look at everything in a different way.
High Vibrational Thinking is the 'Missing Link' that everybody has been searching for.

High Vibrational Thinking enables a unique perspective to be gleaned that allows it all to fall in place.

In 1986 I had the most amazing experience of my life. I had what I can only describe as a vision dream, where I was shown an image and told what the image meant. This went on for about one-hour and I was fully awake at the time.

The image was of a pyramid with the sun floating above it. I was told that the sun represented the energy that we call love and the pyramid represented our climb in life back to love.

This went on to explain to me how everything was energy and how it was all connected. Then the concept of High Vibrational Thinking was explained in great detail.

I wrote it all down and I was stunned that this experience had happened to me. I began to think about the concept and then embarked on a twenty-three year learning curve, as I viewed the world through the eyes of High Vibrational Thinking.

It was as if I was being taught in every possible way how
HVT relates to our world. I looked at everything from this new perspective and I couldn’t believe what I was able to see.

I could not understand why I had been chosen to receive this information. It was too important for me to be entrusted with it. The responsibility scared me, as I tried to fathom out what to do with it.

Then a few years ago the ‘Law of Attraction’ burst on to the world scene through the excellent movie ‘The Secret’. Many brilliant books on the subject followed by highly esteemed authors and I was like millions of others hooked.

I bought everything, the DVD’s, Cd’s, books the lot. You name it I had it. Now I felt really confident I was coming from a background of over thirty years of self-development studies. I could have written some of the books, so I knew if anybody could really harness the power of the law of attraction it would be me.

I tried everything, vision boards, meditation, visualisation, changing limiting beliefs, wishing, writing my dreams down, a creation box, keeping a journal even praying. Whatever they said, I did it.

Yes I had some amazing results but the big important stuff never came. I manifested car parking spaces, small amounts of money, a holiday, new shoes, curtains and even a new bed but something was wrong. Most of the stuff I wanted never showed. And most of the success seemed to come in the early days, more recently virtually nothing.

What was missing? I had done everything but I couldn’t crack it. Then I realised I needed to fully bring HVT into the equation to find the missing link.

I looked at everything from a HVT perspective. I watched the movies again, re-read the books and listened to the Cd’s. Then I realised what was missing! How could I have missed it!\

Steve Wharton

High Vibrational Thinking 'The Missing Link'

Download for only £4.95 UK $7 US

From www.highvibrationalthinking.com

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