Antisocial Behaviour

by Lynn

I am now resenting and hating teenagers who hang out where I live. They are rude, inconsiderate and disrespectful and are antisocial. I want to live in a peaceful and quiet street where I feel safe and relaxed. How do I attract this? This is ongoing.

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Jan 06, 2010
Peaceful Neighborhood
by: Anonymous

Dear Lynn,

I understand you want peace. I want to offer a friendly suggestion. Try to create a positive outlook towards these teenagers. Yes, I know this isn't easy, since it really upsets you. I truly believe and know that this is a first step. I know this based on my own experiences with people I have issues with.

From what I have learned about creating a joyful and peaceful life, we must not focus on the things in our life that we do not want. That only brings more of it to us. So either try to replace these negative thoughts about these teenagers in your neighborhood with positive thoughts about them, or if that is too difficult at first, don't think of them at all.

When you find your self feeling strongly about these people, gently redirect your thoughts to something that makes you feel good, and go with that. List in your mind, or even better, write down the things which you are grateful for.

A very powerful exercise is to journal your most perfect situation in your neighborhood. Write your ideal situation as if it is already that way -- in the present tense. Make sure you write positive things like "I always have peaceful and smooth interactions with anyone I come in contact with in my day" rather than "There are no disrespectful and unruly people that live on my block". That way you can be sure to create only peaceful and positive interactions.

Keep writing how you wish your daily experiences to be, and keep it as your focus. Do not focus on how badly these people act. It will work out. Keep a strong knowing that as long as you focus on your peaceful goal, pretty soon you will reach it. I am not saying that these people will disappear, but perhaps it will manifest in a way that you won't cross paths anymore, or some will actually show a different side of themselves, or perhaps they just won't be able to bother you any more since you found this peace that no one or nothing can penetrate.

I have many great recommendations for books that really helped me with creating a great life if you are interested. But also, the free ebooks on this site I have found to be great and helpful. It takes some time and focus, but I know you will find peace in your neighborhood and within yourself.

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