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The secrets of creative visualization to live the life of your dreams! Treasure mapping is a cool way for manifesting your goals and desires. It is a way of using visualization to help you reach your goals. The idea is that by cutting out pictures from magazines and by pasting them on a poster or in a notebook, this reinforces your goals with your subconscious mind.
You should allow yourself ample time, get a stack of old magazines and then just browse through them looking for objects of your desire. These might include a new home, new furniture, a new car, a picture of a romantic holiday spot, or two lovers who represent the perfect relationship.
You then make our pictures into a collage and there are many ways to do this. You can have one collage for a specific area of your, life such as your relationships or job. Or you can have one collage divided in sections that represent the desires you have in the different areas of your life.
The pictures should evoke strong emotion in you so that you can really feel the intensity of your desires. You should look at the collage or notebook often, however you should keep it to yourself as it is something between you and the Universe.
Do not underestimate what a powerful exercise this can be for manifesting your desires. It is fun and it works!!
As a Law of Attraction Life Coach, I can help you with Treasure Mapping or to manifest whatever you desire. If you need help with any aspect of the Law of Attraction, I can work with you to get results. For personal online advice, refer to the Life Coaching page of this website.
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Imagine it and it is yours!
Maria Westcott
The Mind's Eye Productions
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