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Gratitude Thoughts - How to get "the gratitude attitude" so that the Universal Law of Attraction will work for you. Gratitude thoughts should fill your mind and soul!
Having gratitude is essential when using the Law of Attraction. The definition is that gratitude appreciation, or thankfulness is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgement of a benefit that one has received or will receive. I believe the main focus here is on the fact that it is an emotion or attitude – in other words a state of mind.
“Gratitude thoughts unlock the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude thoughts make sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melodie Beattie
Gratitude thoughts are the key to using the Law of Attraction and attracting what you want into your life and manifesting abundance and happiness. When you are feeling grateful, you are vibrating at a higher energy level or vibrational frequency. Projecting this higher energy frequency out into the Universe is exactly what draws the objects of your desires to you.
There is most definitely a connection between being grateful and wealth. It is one of the necessary steps in using the Law of Attraction. Without appreciation, you will fail to attract what you desire into your life.
Every morning as I walk to work, I look around me and feel my emotions well up inside me as I am grateful for the new day, for being alive, for my heath, for my loving husband, for my job, etc. I am grateful for everything in my life, even the challenges that I face, because I know that they are there to teach me a valuable lesson.
When you experience this level of gratefulness and you focus on all that you have, you realise that you really do not need anything more to be happy. In this way, you are able to let go of your desires and be content with all that you have today. And it is in letting go of your desires that you actually attract more of them to you.
The spiritual practice of gratitude thoughts is found in most religions. This grateful attitude is one that will bring you closer to Source.
Being thankful is something that you can learn. Just make a conscious effort to practice having gratitude thoughts every day. Do not take anything for granted and practice saying “thank you” for everything in your life.
Gratitude Affirmations
Here are some affirmations of gratefulness that you can use to raise your vibrational frequency if you are not feeling grateful:
The Gratitude Notebook
Keep a little notebook with you and make a list of all the things in our life for which you are grateful as you go through the day.
The A-Z Gratitude Game
Whenever you have a quiet moment, why not play the A-Z Gratitude Game? Just go through the alphabet and say:
Continue until you get to “Z”.
Fake It
With the Law of Attraction, if at first you don’t think that you have anything to be grateful for, just fake it and pretend that you do. Think about what you could be grateful for if you were pretending. Practice this pretence of gratefulness and soon your will be feeling and experiencing real gratitude. Gratefulness is a skill which in many cases must be practised before it becomes second nature. It is a very important skill when using the Law of Attraction.
The Daily “Thank You” Target
To use the Law of Attraction correctly, it is important to make a point to say “thank you” at least 10x per day. Thank people for the small things that they do for you, which otherwise might have gone unnoticed. Thank loved ones for their kindness, unconditional love and support that you have come to take for granted. At a loss for ways to say "thank you" or need more gratitude thoughts? Why not use our Gratitude Journal to post your thanks online?
Let's have a little bit of fun and at the same time inspire others to be grateful. Let us know what you are grateful for?
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Mrs. N. Leek Not rated yet
I am grateful for my adorable daughters. For my job.
I am grateful for being able to speak English and having knowledge of some Italian.
I am grateful …
Thank you Not rated yet
I'm grateful for my life,for my loving family, for my friends, for the man I love so much and that gives me energy, for everything nice that happens to …
““If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” – Meister Eckhardt
As a Law of Attraction Life Coach, I can help you to manifest whatever you desire. If you need help with the universal laws or any aspect of the Law of Attraction, I can work with you to get results. For personal online advice, refer to the Life Coaching page of this website.
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Imagine it and it is yours!
Maria Westcott
The Mind's Eye Productions
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