Bill Harris The Secret - Holosync is a tool for developing the mental clarity and sharp sense of purpose needed to master The Law of Attraction. With Holosync, anyone can learn The Secret.
As a student of ancient and modern research into the nature of the mind, Bill Harris has studied The Law of Attraction for over thirty-five years with a variety of teachers around the globe. He has dedicated his life to sharing Bill Harris The Secret to creating the life you want as a teacher, public speaker, author, therapist, workshop leader, and business owner.
Because of Bill’s tremendous success in teaching hundreds of thousands of people how to harness The Law of Attraction to make lasting improvements in their lives, he is featured in the hit movie The Secret.
Over fifteen years ago, Bill created Holosync as a tool for developing the mental clarity and sharp sense of purpose needed to master The Law of Attraction. With Holosync, anyone can learn The Secret to creating whatever they want in life.
In 2003, Bill introduced his Life Principles Integration Process course to help people discover how they unconsciously create their internal states and external results, and to show them how to take control of their mind to create whatever they want in life.
As a Law of Attraction Life Coach, I can help you to manifest whatever you desire. If you need help with any aspect of the Law of Attraction, I can work with you to get results. For personal online advice, refer to the Life Coaching page of this website.
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Imagine it and it is yours!
Maria Westcott
The Mind's Eye Productions
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