Do You Want To Become A Life Coach?

I also offer coaching sessions that will help you become a life coach in no time. I can show you how to earn a six-figure income with your own life coaching business! 

The role of a life coach is very important in today's society. People want someone to rely on, someone to guide them through the maze of life, someone to listen to them.

This is your opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. Being a life coach, you can actually encourage people to lead better lives and make our society a much better place to live in.

And yes, before I forget, becoming a life coach will also enable you to get a very remarkable income for yourself.

The life coaching profession can be very rewarding indeed.

  • You can make a positive difference in other people's lives.
  • You can earn large amounts of money.
  • You become respected in society.
  • You are no one's employee; no one is your boss.
  • You have no set number of hours to put in.

However, no life coach can expect to be successful unless they themselves have had the experience of being coached. Every great life coach that I know has his or her own life coach. I know that I have had many mentors and coaches over the years and would not have attained as much in my career without them.

In addition to your own personal coaching, I can show you how to become a life coach, how to set up your life coaching practice, how to get your first clients, how to market yourself and more importantly, teach you some great coaching skills and techniques.

Why not contact me for a free consultion? Just fill out the Pre-coaching Questionnaire. Pre-Coaching Questionnaire Subsequent coaching sessions can be booked online and I will contact you to arrange a convenient time.

Tele-Coaching with Maria Westcott

Imagine it and it is yours!

Maria Westcott
The Mind's Eye Productions

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